Not sure who to contact? We can help! message us

Whether you are just getting started, needing to enroll or a current student, we have someone to help answer your questions and guide you through the process.

Call us at 316-677-9680 or email us at

Walk-In Enrollment Happening NOW!

Ready to Enroll for Classes?

Once you have completed the enrollment checklist, contact an academic advisor to enroll. Appointments are required.

Walk-ins are welcome on Wednesdays (first come, first served). You may experience some wait time.


Enrollment Center Hours*
Campus Mon. – Thurs. Fri. Sat.-Sun.
NCAT | 4004 N. Webb Road 8am – 6pm (Walk-in Wednesday) 9am – 5:00pm Closed
WSU Tech South | 3821 E. Harry 8am – 6pm (Walk-in Tuesday & Wednesday) 9am – 5:00pm Closed
City Center | 301 S. Grove 8am – 5pm (Walk-in Wednesday) 9am – 5:00pm Closed

Get Started

Need more information before you apply? Meet with one of our admissions counselors. Admissions Counselors can help you learn more about the different certificate & degree options, give you a campus tour and help you through the steps to become a new student at WSU Tech. Look below for the program you are interested in and schedule an appointment or visit them during walk-in hours.

Monica Rashid
Monica RashidAdmissions Counselor
Katelyn Konklin
Katelyn Konklin Admissions Counselor

Applied and ready to enroll?

You took the first step in becoming a new student and completed an admissions application. Your next step is meet with an academic advisor to enroll. Scroll down to find the advisor for the program you applied for and schedule an appointment or visit them during walk-in hours. Not seeing your program? Message us on Facebook to get help.

*Each advisor is at a specific campus please note their location before you visit.

Brian Lee
Brian LeeDirector, Admissions & Academic Advising

NCAT | 4004 N. Webb Road | Wichita, KS 67226


Katie Custer
Katie CusterAcademic Advisor
Sara Wasko
Sara WaskoAcademic Advisor

WSU Tech South | 3821 E. Harry | Wichita, KS 67218

Criminal Justice
Digital Marketing
General Education*
(*Students with last names starting with A-L)
Logistics and Supply Chain

Xavier Madrigal
Xavier Madrigal Academic Advisor

City Center | 301 S. Grove | Wichita, KS 67211

Culinary Arts
Hospitality and Events Management
General Education*
(*Students with last names starting with M-Z)

Jeff Thomas
Jeff ThomasAssistant Director, Academic Advising
Rachel Beck
Rachel BeckAcademic Advisor

WSU Tech South | 3821 E. Harry | Wichita, KS 67218

*(Students with last names starting with A – L)
Applied Technologies*
Pre-Health – Associate Degree Nurse (A.D.N.)*
Pre-Health – Practical Nursing*
Pre-Health – Surgical Technology*
Pre-Health – Healthcare Administration and Management*

Danielle Bittner
Danielle BittnerAcademic Advisor

WSU Tech South | 3821 E. Harry | Wichita, KS 67218

*(Students with last names starting with M – Z)
Applied Technologies*
Pre-Health – Associate Degree Nurse (A.D.N.)*  
Pre-Health – Practical Nursing*
Pre-Health – Surgical Technology*
Pre-Health – Healthcare Administration and Management*

Alex Harmon
Alex HarmonAcademic Advisor

Current student and need support?

Have you been contacted by a Student Success Coach? Follow up by contacting them below.

Brittany Thompson
Brittany ThompsonDirector, Basic Needs Center

City Center | 301 S. Grove | Wichita, KS 67211

Dalisa Portley
Dalisa PortleySuccess Coach

City Center | 301 S. Grove | Wichita, KS 67211

Benjamin Sullinger
Benjamin SullingerSuccess Coach

NCAT | 4004 N. Webb Road | Wichita, KS 67226

Luz Aguirre
Luz AguirreSuccess Coach, Basic Needs Center

WSU Tech South | 3821 E. Harry | Wichita, KS 67218

Are you a High School or Homeschool student?

Talk to your High School counselor or contact one of our High School Specialists to find out how to take reduced-rate transferable general education courses or tuition-free technical courses through the JumpStart program.

Ashtyn Durbin
Ashtyn DurbinAssistant Director, High School Advising

NCAT | 4004 N. Webb Road | Wichita, KS 67226

Surrounding High School Admissions

Cody Griffin
Cody GriffinAssistant Director, College Access

City Center | 301 S. Grove | Wichita, KS 67211

Student Services

Ayuda En Español?

Need help in Spanish? The community navigator team is dedicated to guiding students and communities in career planning, program explorations, FAFSA completion, scholarship searches, free high school programs, and more.

¿Necesitas ayuda en español? El equipo de navegadores comunitarios se dedica a guiar a los estudiantes y las comunidades en la planificación de carreras, exploraciones de programas, finalización de FAFSA, búsquedas de becas, programas gratuitos de escuela secundaria y más.

Samuel Nava
Samuel NavaAssistant Director, Community Resources Navigator

Evergreen Library
2601 N Arkansas Wichita KS,67204

Evelyn Garcia
Evelyn GarciaCommunity Resources Navigator

Oaklawn Activity Center
4904 S Clifton Wichita KS 67216


Do you need help with financial aid, transcripts or need to speak with someone from the WSU Tech business office?

Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Office

Financial Aid
Veteran Benefits
Scholarship Questions

Registrar's Office
Registrar's Office


Need accessibility support?

The Student Accessibility and Support Services (SASS) Department is able to assist students with disabilities and barriers to learning.  Please schedule an appointment or visit the Student Accessibility tab under Admissions for more information.

Jennifer Stanyer
Jennifer StanyerAssistant Director, Student Accessibility and Support Services

City Center | 301 S. Grove | Wichita, KS 67211

WSU Tech South | 3821 E. Harry | Wichita, KS 67218

Lauren Dorr
Lauren DorrStudent Accessibility and Support Services Specialist

NCAT | 4004 N. Webb Road | Wichita, KS 67226