- 5-01 Academic Code of Conduct
- 5-02 Authority to Confer Degrees, Diplomas or Certificates
- 5-05 Program Performance Review and Closure
- 5-06 Industry Advocacy Teams
- 5-10 Academic Freedom
- 5-11 Faculty Discipline and Dismissal
- 5-13 Instructor Selection and Assignment
- 5-14 Instructor Use of Facilities
- 5-15 Overload Agreements
- 5-16 Faculty Standards
- 5-17 Substitute Instructors
- 5-18 WSU Tech Class Size
- 5-19 Early Final Examinations
- 5-20 Dean’s List/Presidential Scholar List
- 5-21 Student Evaluation
- 5-22 Non-Students on Campus
- 5-23 Credit Hour Definition
- 5-25 Faculty Policies of WSU Tech
- 5-27 Credit for Prior Learning Policy
- 5-28 Academic Fresh Start
- 5-29 Student Device Usage
- 5-30 Faculty Qualifications
- 5-31 Faculty Appointments
- 5-32 Instructional Delivery Modalities
- 5-33 WSU Tech Textbook Adoption
- 5-34 Faculty Professional Development Requirements
Chapter 5 – AcademicAngie Evans2024-05-23T08:52:59-05:00