WSU Tech Shock Tank

Welcome to the Shock Tank.

Where big ideas are not only welcomed but encouraged and rewarded. 


The Shock Tank is a competition inspired by ‘Shark Tank’, which encourages employees to come up with bold solutions to complex challenges facing our students, employees & organization, or community. We welcome all employees to partner with our long-time dedication to innovation and driving change.

Upcoming information sessions:

Jan. 14th at City Center
Jan. 16th at NCAT


Round 1

Open Application Process

Submit your initial idea by February 3rd.

This is just a high-level concept of your idea. No idea is too small!

After initial submission, Shock Tank committee will help provide focus and assistance to groups towards a common outcome leading up to the full application.

Round 2

Selection Round

Submit your full application by February 28th.

This is where you submit your full idea and go into deeper detail about your plan. This enters you and your team into the selection round!

The Shock Tank team will judge all submitted ideas and will select the top ideas (up to 10) to move to Round Three.

Those selected for Round Three will be notified by Friday, March 14th.

Round 3

Top Ten

The top ten group will work alongside the Shock Tank team to polish their ideas in preparation to present to the WSU Tech leadership team on the morning of May 12th, 2025.

The WSU Tech leadership team will select (up to 5) advance to the third and final selection round.

Those selected for the final round will be notified by Friday, May 16th.

Final Round

Final Selection

Finalists will be assigned to a Shock Tank mentor to prepare for their final idea pitch.

The finalists will present to a group of community and industry partners in August.

One idea will be selected as the winner. Announcement of the 2025 Shock Tank Winner will be made at September In-Service.

Action Round


Congratulations Shock Tank winner!

Now the real work starts as you transform your ideas into reality.

This phase could last up-to two years with regular progress meetings.


So you have an idea but you’re not sure if it’s ready to enter the Shock Tank. Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if your idea is something that will sink or swim.

  • Does it align with the WSU Tech strategic plan?
  • Is it innovative and forward-thinking?
  • Is it student success and retention driven?
  • Does it offer improvement to these 3 main groups: our students, our employees & organization, & our community?
  • Will it be financially feasible and do you have the ability to show detail on cost (as close as possible)?
  • Does it benefit the college as a whole? (It can be an idea that benefits one department directly but must show how it indirectly helps other departments or individuals.)
  • Are you able to lead implementation and provide follow-up? (You don’t have to do it alone but can you or your submitting team own the idea?)
  • Are you able to identify the champions and stakeholders?
  • Can you identify what possible challenges there are and how to overcome them?
  • After the initial 2 years of funding can you show how it can fund itself beyond that?

Judging Rubric
Budget Proforma

strategic plan image


  1. Be recognized as a leader in innovative ideas across WSU Tech
  2. Up to $200,000 total of funding to go towards implementation of the project for up to two years
  3. Experience in implementing large-scale ideas and project management
  4. Exposure to leaders among the college and community.


Elise James*

Vrenda Pritchard*

Doug Maury*

Erin Haneberg

Brady Randall

Justin Maples

Kelly Klecker

Samual Nava

*Shock Tank Co-Chairs


Please feel free to reach out to a member of the Shock Tank team directly!