WSU Tech does not discriminate with regard to any person with a disability for employment, education, admissions or activities.

Each WSU Tech campus is accessible for individuals with disabilities to be able to access most programs of study offered. Student Accessibility and Support Services are available to improve educational opportunities for Students with disabilities.

WSU Tech encourages students with disabilities to practice self-advocacy by registering with the Student Accessibility and Support Services Office and explaining the nature of their disability. Anything that faculty and staff members can do to aid this process enhances mutual understanding and communication. WSU Tech recognizes that traditional methods, programs, and services are not always appropriate or sufficient to accommodate limitations experienced by some qualified persons with disabilities. When a disability prevents a student from fulfilling a course requirement through conventional procedures, consideration is given to alternatives while also realizing that academic standards must be maintained.

College Responsibilities: WSU Tech falls under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). The college has pledged to provide equal access and equal opportunity to otherwise qualified students. Qualified students are those who, with or without reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential academic functions of an academic program or course.

Student Responsibilities: Students who recognize they may benefit from accommodations must identify themselves to Student Accessibility and Support Services to receive classroom accommodations. There is no automatic continuation of services from high school to college, and there is no special education program. If students do not disclose a disability, it will go unknown and unaddressed. It is always the student’s choice to disclose information about their disability and to request assistance. Students have the responsibility to:

  • Self-identify or disclose their disability to the college, preferably the Student Accessibility and Support Services staff.
  • Students may need to obtain newer assessment and evaluation results regarding the specific disability.
  • Students will provide verifying documentation if requesting supportive services.
  • Students will Act and function as an independent, responsible adult, and follow all the rules in the Student Code of Conduct.
  • The Student will communicate with faculty to ensure an accommodation takes place after a request has been made and approved by Student Accessibility and Support Services staff.
  • Arrange for any personal needs and supports independent of what the college is allowed to provide. The Student Accessibility and Support Services staff serves as the coordinator of academic accommodations for students with disabilities, acts as the resource person to faculty and staff members, and is the liaison to outside agencies.

For additional information see Student Accessibility and Support Services on the college website. Forms to request services are located on the disability page on the college website at: