Change of Major
Students who wish to change their major or program of study or update other information should complete the proper form and submit it to the registrar.
Information Update
To update other student information, such as a name or address change, students should complete a Student Record Change form and submit it to the registrar. To process a name change, documentation such as a marriage license or driver’s license is required. The information update form is available in administrative offices at all locations.
Once the WSU Tech Application for New Student Admission and admission assessment scores are received, students are eligible to register. Some courses and programs may have prerequisites or additional requirements that must be met before students can register. Appointments are not required. Career planners are available to answer questions and assist with the registration process. Registration continues through the add/drop period, with the exception of courses that have already reached maximum capacity.
Students may not attend a class in which they are not officially enrolled. Students whose names do not appear on the course roster or who have other registration issues should immediately see a career planner.
Late Registration
Late Registration See Add, Drop and Withdrawal Process.