WSU Tech has been delivering excellence in education since 1965 with our original campus on 301 S. Grove. WSU Tech continues to build on this tradition with quality instructors, talented students and state-of-the-art technical equipment. Together, these elements help create a hands-on learning environment that promotes participation and prepares students for further education and/or career experiences.


The Mission of WSU Tech is to provide quality higher education and leadership in workforce training that supports economic development for a global economy.


To be one of the nation’s most innovative and impactful two-year colleges.

Values: Values Based Culture

The WSU Tech team operates in a valued based culture and strive towards the following behaviors in everything they do.

SAME TEAM. One Role, One Goal: Unite and include many diverse perspectives to achieve our mission. 

  • I Collaborate for Maximum Impact.
  • I give and accept constructive feedback through open communication.
  • I foster a fun and healthy environment that encourages relationship building.
  • I recognize and celebrate achievements of co-workers and students.
  • I advocate for an inclusive and diverse environment that allows all employees and students to thrive

PEOPLE FIRST. Treat everyone consistently with compassion, respect, and kindness. 

  • I listen first to understand.
  • I approach all interactions with empathy and respect.
  • I serve others with helping hands and a positive attitude.
  • I remain receptive to new ideas and approach situations with an open mind.
  • I assume good intentions and respond rather than react.

INTEGRITY. Uphold the highest standards in all our actions. 

  • I exhibit ethical behavior by doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.
  • I build open and honest relationships.
  • I make my intentions clear.
  • I strive to earn trust, loyalty, and respect every day.
  • I utilize human, financial, and physical resources wisely

VISIONARY.  Future focused. Redefining education by inspiring innovative ideas, bold explorations, and continuous curiosity. 

  • I take educated risks to remain relevant, nimble and responsive to ever-evolving needs of our communities.
  • I am resilient when faced with rapid change and challenges.
  • I support innovation and remain open minded to bold, new ideas.
  • I demonstrate commitment to life-long learning and personal development.

LEADERSHIP.  Leadership is an activity, not a position. Anyone can lead, anytime, anywhere. 

  • I take initiative and do what needs to be done.
  • I am generous in sharing my knowledge.
  • I empower others to resolve problems at the first opportunity.
  • I am responsible for communicating and cascading needed information throughout the college.
  • I demonstrate good judgment in decision making

SERVICE TO ALL. Provide exceptional experiences to all that we serve.

  • I anticipate the needs of each individual and take a solutions-oriented approach.
    I model excellence through accountability to myself and others.
  • I aspire to exceed expectations.
  • I am committed to providing exceptional experiences.
  • I act with an attitude of selflessness in all interactions.

Guiding Principles

  1. Helping families through access and affordability.
  2. Supporting Kansas businesses with a talent pipeline that meets employer needs.
  3. Increasing economic prosperity with higher education that benefits the Kansas economy.
  4. Asking ourselves as we make decisions, is it in the best interest of our students, employees, and community.

Strategic Plan

Governance and Structure

Kansas Board of Regents

The Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) is comprised of nine members who are appointed by the governor of Kansas and confirmed by the Kansas Senate. KBOR governs six state universities and supervises and coordinates 19 community colleges, six technical colleges and a municipal university. KBOR primarily deals with educational policies, programs, services,providers and other systems in an effort to improve and maintain the high quality of education in Kansas. KBOR also coordinates vital programs, such as adult literacy, qualified admissions, concurrent enrollment for high school students, financial assistance for education and many others. KBOR, in conjunction with the Kansas Post secondary Technical Education Authority, approves technical programs offered by WSU Tech.

WSU Tech Industry Advisory Board

The WSU Tech Industry Advisory Board consists of 11 appointed, voting members who establish and publish policies, regulations and procedures pertaining to WSU Tech.

Industry Advocate Teams

Program advisory committees, representatives from business and industry, provide a very important link between WSU Tech and the community. These teams validate learning outcomes deemed essential by business and industry for successful entry or advancement in specific occupations. These teams also monitor the curriculum, recommend instructional equipment and help keep the programs current with emerging technologies.


The Higher Learning Commission – North Central Association

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is part of the North Central Association (NCA) of Colleges and Schools. NCA is one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. Through its Commissions, it accredits and thereby grants membership to educational institutions in the North Central region.

WSU Tech is fully accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association as of October 2008.

The Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500 Chicago, IL 60604-1411
Phone: 800.621.7440 / 312.263.0456
Fax: 312.263.7462