Academic Code of Conduct

Classroom & Laboratory Safety

Students are expected to comply with all program, course, or syllabus safety requirements. Any action or behavior that compromises safety will be subject to immediate disciplinary action.

Disciplinary action resulting from classroom behavior that has not been referred to the Dean of Student Services may be appealed to the Vice President of Academic Affairs pursuant to the Student Right of Appeal contained in the Academic Code of Conduct.

Disciplinary action resulting from classroom behavior that has been referred to the Dean of Student Services will be processed under the procedure for Student Code of Conduct issues.

Student Right of Appeal

The Vice President of Academic Affairs shall be notified of all allegations of academic code of conduct violations. A student may appeal the Decision by filing a written appeal with the Vice President of Academic Affairs within seven (7) days of service of the decision. All decisions resulting in expulsion must first be approved by the President. Upon appeal, the Vice President of Academic Affairs shall issue a decision which determines whether the alleged conduct occurred; whether the conduct violated the Academic Code of Conduct or College/Program policies or procedures; and impose a sanction(s) if appropriate. The student shall receive written notice of the decision.

Student Concerns

Any student who wishes to pursue an instructional concern must exhaust the following options in sequence prior to petitioning the Vice President for Academic Affairs. (Examples of instructional or course concern are instructor behavior, class policies, and unfair expectations or demands.)

1. The student must meet with the instructor and attempt to resolve the problem. If no resolution:

2. The student must state the concern in writing and meet with the Dean/Director. Departments may require specific documentation that the student will be responsible to obtain. As a result of the meeting with the Dean/Director action may or may not be taken.

3. The appropriate Dean/Director will inform the student in writing of the final decision within ten (10) calendar days following the meeting.

If the student contests the Dean/Director’s action/ decision, he/she must submit the request in writing to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs within ten (10) days of the notice of the Dean/Director decision. The request should include documentation of everything that the student wants considered in the decision. The Dean/Director may also submit written documentation and recommendations. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will notify the student in writing of a final decision within ten (10) days. This decision will be final.

Internet Usage

Parking Regulations

Safety and Security

Sexual Harassment


Board policy Sexual Harassment of Students adopts the following definition of sexual harassment regarding students:

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term of the student’s academic opportunities; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by a student is used as a basis for academic decisions affecting such students; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the student’s educational performance or it creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment.

Note: Conduct that has the effect of unreasonably interfering with a student’s educational performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment may be “sexual harassment” whether or not the person engaging in the conduct intends to create that effect.

Students who believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment should report the problem to an instructor or department chair.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

Sex Offenders


Photo and Video Statement

Professionals hired by the college often take photographs and videos that include students in classrooms, laboratories, study areas and at events. WSU Tech has exclusive rights to all content, and participants will not be compensated in any manner for the time or use of their name, picture or likeness. Individuals who attend WSU Tech do so with the understanding that these photographs and videos may include them and may be used in college publications and advertisements, both printed and electronic, for publicity and advertising purposes.


WSU Tech encourages the public to visit its campuses. However, for the security and safety of everyone, individuals wishing to visit are asked to check in with the administrative office at each location prior to entering classrooms or laboratories. Students who wish to host visitors must confer with their instructors prior to the visitation. Students are not permitted to bring children to class or to leave them unattended in any area at WSU Tech locations — this includes student lounges, library/resource center, restrooms and parking lots. See board policy Visitors.

Board Policies

To read WSU Tech board policies, contact any WSU Tech administrative office, or online, go to