- Building Accessibility / Accommodations
- Student Accessibility and Support Services
- Bookstore
- Food Services
- Housing
- Inclement Weather
- Student Identification
- Library
- Internet Usage
- Student Organizations
Building Accessibility / Accommodations
WSU Tech does not discriminate with regard to disability in employment, education, admissions or activities. The layout at all locations makes it possible for physically disabled individuals to access most programs of study offered. Special-need services are provided to improve access to education opportunities and to provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities that limit life functioning. Reasonable accommodations are provided to individuals with documented disabilities. It is the responsibility of individuals with disabilities to make their needs known to the Director, Career & Student Accessibility and Support Services who is responsible for student Student Accessibility and Support Services. Forms are available through Student Services or online at
WSU Tech encourages students with disabilities to practice self-advocacy. Anything that faculty and staff members can do to aid this process enhances mutual understanding and communication.
Student Accessibility and Support Services
WSU Tech recognizes that traditional methods, programs and services are not always appropriate or sufficient to accommodate limitations experienced by some qualified persons with disabilities. When a disability prevents a student from fulfilling a course requirement through conventional procedures, consideration is given to alternatives while also realizing that academic standards must be maintained.
College Responsibilities
In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, WSU Tech has pledged to provide equal access and equal opportunity to qualified students. Qualified students are those who, with or without reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential academic functions of an academic program or course.
Student Responsibilities
Students with disabilities who may benefit from accommodations must identify themselves to Student Accessibility and Support Services. There is no automatic continuation of services from high school to college, and there is no special education program. If students do not disclose a disability, it will go unknown and unaddressed.
It is always the student’s choice to disclose information about their disability and to request assistance. Students have the responsibility to:
• Self-identify or disclose their disability to the coordinator of Student Accessibility and Support Services.
• Obtain assessment and evaluation results regarding the specific disability.
• Provide verifying documentation.
• Act and function as an independent, responsible adult.
• Contact faculty to activate an accommodation after a request has been made.
• Arrange for any personal needs and supports independent of what the college is allowed to provide.
The Director, Career and Student Accessibility and Support Services, serves as the coordinator of Student Accessibility and Support Services for students with disabilities, acts as the resource person to faculty and staff members and is the liaison to outside agencies. Information to request services are located on the college Web site,
WSU Tech maintains a bookstore at the National Center for Aviation Training and the Southside Education Center. The bookstore sells books, program tools, clothing, snacks, drinks, various supplies and other items.
Food Services
All WSU Tech locations have lounge areas with vending machines where food and beverage items are available to purchase.
WSU Tech is an urban college and does not own, operate or enter into formal agreements for student housing. Contact an admissions counselor for local information, 316.677.9400.
Inclement Weather
If classes are cancelled due to inclement weather, notification of cancellation is sent to local radio and television stations. If a student is unsure about a particular location, information is available through the administrative office; by calling the college’s Emergency Closing Hotline, 316.677.9596; and online at
Student Identification
The ability to easily identify current WSU Tech students is an important component of WSU Tech’s campus safety and security efforts. Students must have a valid WSU Tech photo student identification (ID) card for the current semester. Students are required to wear their IDs in a manner that keeps them readily visible while on any WSU Tech property. IDs may also be required to access resources in the Library and Learning Resources Center. Student IDs can be obtained through the Student Services office at the National Center for Aviation Training or the Southside Center.
WSU Tech’s Library is located at the Southside Center. Collections include books, audio books, current periodicals, and audio-visual materials. A variety of online databases offers access to journal articles, images, and e-books. Off-campus, students can access the library through myWSU Tech.
The library offers Information and Library Literacy training to the student population. This training promotes accessing and analyzing information in a digital world. This training provides life skills for future academic work and a competitive edge in the job market.
The library provides individual reference and research support to everyone, including prospective students and community members. Computers at the front of the library are available for public use and include internet access.
Interlibrary Loan is a system to order books and journal articles from other libraries throughout the world for faculty, staff, students and community members. This worldwide “library” provides timely and free access to necessary research materials.
There are study carrels for individual study and tables for group study. To help students relax, a comfortable seating area is provided and wireless internet service is available.
Academic Success (tutoring) and an open computer lab are adjacent to the Library.
WSU Tech Library
3821 E. Harry
Wichita, KS 67218
Off campus, students can access the Library through myWSU Tech.
Internet Usage
Board policy 9-03 Network Services Acceptable Use Policy for Students, Faculty, Staff, and Visitors describes procedures that must be accepted and followed. Board Policy 9-03 is available here: Network Services Acceptable Use Policy for Students, Faculty, Staff and Visitors
Student Organizations
The local chapter of SkillsUSA, a club for vocational industrial students, offers students a wide variety of leadership skill training and professional development opportunities. Students also have opportunities to participate in local, state and national leadership and skill conferences. These activities present students with excellent opportunities to build self-confidence, meet new people, participate in competitive events and visit with local, state and national employers.